{include file="en/Public_header"/}

Box-type electric and gas type

{if isset($product_list)} {if !empty($product_list)}
{volist name="$product_list" id="vo" key="k"}


{/if} {/if}
{if isset($product_list)} {if !empty($product_list)}
{volist name="$product_list" id="vo" key="k"} {/volist}
{/if} {/if}
{if isset($product_list_left)} {if !empty($product_list_left)}
{volist name="$product_list_left" id="vo" key="k"}
{/if} {/if}
{if isset($product_list_right)} {if !empty($product_list_right)}
{volist name="$product_list_right" id="vo" key="k"}
{/if} {/if}


Based on the scientific research work in the field of heat treatment such as new materials and new processes in the country, Yisite has established close cooperative relations with many domestic powder metallurgy, transformer, friction materials, magnetic materials, aerospace and military enterprises, and provides partners with a complete set of advanced Electric furnace equipment and follow-up technical services.

{if isset($app_list)} {if !empty($app_list)}
{volist name="$app_list" id="vo" key="k"}
{/if} {/if}
{if isset($app_list)} {if !empty($app_list)}
{volist name="$app_list" id="vo" key="k"}
{/if} {/if}
{include file="en/Public_footer"/}